Our cows, our milk, our land, our people.

Ours Truly farmers are passionate about sustainable and regenerative farming; practices that not only ensure that our cows are happy, healthy and well-looked-after, but also give our organic milk a very natural and high-quality profile.

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Our farmers

Meet Gavin.

Gavin’s family has been farming this land in Te Aroha for over a century – three generations. They’ve been certified organic for 25+ years and are pioneers for regenerative farming in the area.
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Our farmers

Meet the Julian's.

The Julian’s began farming their land in Taranaki in 1906. Since then, five generations have tended the land and cows – and the 6th generation is on the farm now!

Our organic farming practices

Ours Truly’s organic milk comes only from dairy farms who undertake regenerative farming practices - good for cows, good for people, good for the environment.

Regenerative farming includes not tilling on our farms, therefore reducing carbon emissions and reversing the global trend of climate change. This also means the soil on Ours Truly farms is more nutrient dense – healthier for cows and other animals that graze on it and, in turn, producing wholesome milk for Ours Truly organic dairy products.

Ours Truly cows are all pesticide, antibiotic and GMO free - making our products certified to high standards and rigorously independent tested.
